I just wanted to thank you for your support of the dairy goat section at Nambour Show. We really appreciate your support and the bags of feed are always very well received by the competitors - my girls are gobbling down their Mi-Feed goat museli with lots of enthusiasm. (A little bit too quickly actually!!) Best regards, Leisa Denaro
Leisa J Denaro BVSc, CMAVA
Lamington Terrace Veterinary Surgery
18 Lamington Tce, Nambour, Qld, 4560
Ph (07) 5441 3333
Fax (07) 5370 5770
1-5 Central Park Drive
Yandina QLD 4561
Freecall: 1800 642 334
Tel: 07 – 5454 7777
Fax: 07 – 5446 7416
Email: information@mi-feed.com.au